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January 2020

January 30, 2020

5 Scholarships for Future Human Resource Managers

According to data collected by the *Bureau of Labor Statistics, Connecticut has the fourth-highest concentration of jobs and location quotients in the...

January 23, 2020

Uncovering the True ROI of a Graduate Degree

Whether you are finishing your undergraduate degree or working and considering going back to school, you may be wondering — is a master’s degree worth...

January 16, 2020

Is a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Worth It?

The field of human resource management is becoming increasingly competitive. Not only are companies looking to hire the most skilled and experienced p...

January 9, 2020

9 Crucial Questions to Ask When Choosing an FNP Program

As a nurse who is passionate about the healthcare system and who is dedicated to providing the best possible patient care, you are exactly the kind of...

January 2, 2020

Why Should I Choose a DNP (VERSUS an MSN) to Become a Family Nurse Practitioner?

Are you a nurse who is passionate about advancing your knowledge and improving your ability to provide the best possible patient care? Do you hope to ...

December 2019

December 19, 2019

[Student Q&A] Why I Pursued a DNP at Sacred Heart University

With a rapidly growing need for primary healthcare services in our country, one occupation that has expanded to meet this new demand is the nurse prac...

December 12, 2019

5 Fast-Growing Careers in Human Resource Management

The field of human resource management is growing quickly — faster than the national average, in fact. If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re...

December 5, 2019

New Resource: Uncovering the Value of a Human Resource Management Degree

In the business world today, increasing numbers of companies (think Apple, Google, Netflix, etc...) are focusing their hiring efforts on recruiting th...

November 2019

November 27, 2019

Free resource: Do you want to advance your nursing career?

Are you currently working in the healthcare field and are interested in pursuing an advanced degree in nursing? Do you want the opportunity to hold le...

November 7, 2019

4 Reasons You Should Subscribe to The Pioneer Pursuit

If you’re like the majority of Americans, your inbox is regularly flooded with daily news updates, promotional ads, and reminders of bills you still n...

October 2019

October 31, 2019

SHU Professionals Share Why You Should Attend the Grad Studies Open House

At Sacred Heart University, some of the best events we hold throughout the year are our Open Houses. This event provides a comprehensive and personali...

October 24, 2019

7 Essential Questions to Ask Your Graduate Admissions Counselor

It’s important to remember that if you're considering graduate school, you’re not expected to make this decision all on your own. Both the search and ...