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Why I Chose to Pursue a Master’s Degree

March 4, 2021

Think about a time in your life when you took on a major project or a big life change. Maybe you started a new job, committed to a college major, joined a volunteer organization, or began a relationship — whenever we start something big and new, we tend to hone in on one important question: Why?

Identifying your “why” can help to bring clarity and direction to complex or difficult situations. It also enriches our experiences by strengthening our sense of purpose and commitment. 

Is getting a graduate degree worth it? We've got some things for you to  consider...

Our Grad STUDENTS Share their "Why"

If you are thinking about earning a master’s degree, you may be weighing the pros and cons as you work toward a decision. The salary increase, as well as the opportunity for leadership roles and to strengthen your skillset, are appealing but what about the time and effort it takes to earn an advanced degree? 

After weighing these factors, it often comes down to a person’s “why” — a deeper reason than is found by simply weighing the pros and cons.

We asked several graduate students at Sacred Heart to share their “why” and to tell us their stories. Read on for some inspiration and motivation as they answer the question: “why grad school?

To Make Myself More Relevant...

As I prepared to re-enter the workforce after being home with children for a few years, I wanted to come back stronger and make myself more relevant in the competitive job market. My background as an Olympic athlete and coach was different from many of my peers. The faculty works to create special connections with all the students and your voice will be heard in the program. 

The MBA has a strong emphasis on teamwork in all courses and an ability to customize the program according to your interest of study. This was my main reason for choosing Sacred Heart over other graduate schools. My capstone course was a strategy project with a small technology company. When I completed the program, the career services group helped me to land a job in consulting which is an industry I learned to love during the program.

— Christina Illum Scherwin, MBA Class of 2019, Consulting Manager

To Improve My Career Trajectory…

Choosing to pursue an MS in Digital Marketing from SHU's Welch College of Business & Technology was one of the best choices I have ever made. I learned to execute marketing strategies and meet business objectives, elevate brands, and enhance the customer experience. I also gained valuable experience and certifications with marketing tools, such as SAS Data Miner and Google Analytics. The holistic marketing foundation that I developed while in the program was critical to my recent employment as a Digital Advertising Account Executive, where I feel thoroughly prepared to excel.

Theophilus Ekiyor, MS in Digital Marketing Class of 2020, Account Executive, Digital Advertising, Hearst Media Production

To Meet the Needs of a New Normal...

As the world acclimates to the “new normal” I feel equipped to manage and advocate for the families that I currently work with. During these times empowering our citizens with resources and providing accurate information is part of our role as social workers. The Sacred Heart University Social Work professors and faculty designed a program that will withstand the changing times. I am so honored to have completed my degree at SHU. My academic achievements are a direct reflection of the support and dedication the staff invests in each and every one of its learners.

— Darlyne Milord, MSW Class of 2020

To Reimagine My Career...

It is never too late to start something new. After taking time to raise my family, I chose to reimagine my career with an MBA from Sacred Heart University because their program seemed much more dynamic and relevant compared to other schools. It also offered flexible concentrations that suited my interests. Based on my initial experience with admissions, I knew right from the start that I made a great choice. 

My favorite part of my education came from the projects I did while working in teams. The work we created together was much more powerful than what I could have accomplished on my own. It added another layer of learning that has been very valuable. It also solidified the bonds I made with my fellow students and professors. I was also assigned a career coach who fully prepared and advised me all throughout my job search. Because of this help, I landed a job that I thought I could only dream about.

— Sheryl Knable, MBA Class of 2020

To Become a Successful Professional in My Field...

The School of Communication, Media & the Arts has given me the resources to pursue my career as a multi-media journalist. Between the hands-on work in the studio, and being able to write and produce my own scripts, I have learned the tools it takes to become a professional in my field. The professors in the program are there to help you every step of the way with internships, interviews, and guidance. I am so happy I made the decision to come to Sacred Heart, and to continue my education with their [Journalism and Media Production] MACOMM program." 

— Natalie Cioffari, MA Journalism and Media Production Class of 2020

Note: Natalie has spent the last two years as a fellow with WSHU Public Radio working as a reporter and producer. Upon graduation in August, she was hired by WABC-TV in NYC) 

To Grow My Company...

Earning my MBA from Sacred Heart University’s Welch College of Business and Technology has been the most fulfilling achievement in my life so far. I enrolled in the program full-time for one year while also working full-time. I was intimidated by the idea at first, but I quickly got into a rhythm and my work ethic progressed to the point where I never felt overwhelmed. 

Post-graduation, I have continued working for my family’s energy business, Sippin Energy Products, in Monroe, CT. I feel more motivated than ever before to collaborate with our amazing team and apply my skills and passion to grow our company and provide our customers with the best possible experiences. The information and tools I picked up from the MBA program continue to play a role in my daily life and there has been a positive impact on both the professional and personal relationships in my life for many attributing reasons. I would consider this degree an essential steppingstone to help advance my career and my advice to anyone else considering it is to go for it! You might be surprised to find what you are truly capable of during this experience and the impacts will most definitely be positive and stand the test of time. 

— Eric L. Sippin, MBA Class of 2020

Are YOu Ready to Pursue a master's degree?

Whether you've just started to consider a graduate degree or are choosing programs to apply to, we have a resource that can help you with your next steps.

In our guide — Is Getting a Graduate Degree Worth It? Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Go to Grad School — we answer the following questions and more: 

  • What benefits does a grad degree offer?
  • Is grad school right for me?
  • What is the ROI of a grad degree?
  • How much more can I earn with a master's? 

If you have any questions about what it takes to pursue a master's degree, please reach out to one of our graduate admissions counselors or request more information about your program of interest! 

Learn why you shouldn't wait to earn a graduate degree in our resource: Is Getting a Graduate Degree Worth It?

Access the Guide

SHU Graduate Admissions Team

About the Author

We are the graduate admissions team at Sacred Heart University. We aspire to create a welcoming and supportive environment for students looking to continue their education while empowering them in mind, body and spirit. We hope you find our resources helpful and informative as you explore and pursue a graduate degree at Sacred Heart!

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